A lovely teddy bear, a cuddle buddy, a blanket… Every child has that one special friend who goes with them everywhere and without whom bedtime would be impossible. It is that bond between a child and their first BFF, their Lovey, that Andrew loves to capture with his portrait series, My Lovey & Me.
The series was inspired over fifteen years ago…
Andrew, an exhausted first-time dad, saw his one-year-old son resting on the sofa with his stuffed monkey, Norman. The sight was too adorable for Andrew to pass up, and he grabbed his camera to snap a quick photo. While looking at the image, Andrew knew this was an image he would treasure forever, just like the one photograph he has of him and his Paddington from when he was a child. And with that, The My Lovey & Me portrait series was born.

Don’t wait, book a single My Lovey & Me session or book a party!
Launched in San Francisco, the series has grown to include events in Chicago, NorCal, SoCal, Dallas, Houston, Connecticut, and North Carolina – and is expanding this list. Don’t miss out (and don't be fooled by imitators). Be sure to sign up for updates + follow Andrew Weeks Photography to stay in the know and be ready when the next portrait event is happening near you!
15 Minute Studio Portrait Session
$200 for an additional child
1 child
Image proof gallery
One 10x10 Fine Art Print
Additional Prints/Digital Images available after
60 Minute Studio Portrait Session
Up to 5 children
up to 5 children
Image proof gallery
Five 10x10 Fine Art Prints
Additional Prints/Digital Images available after
Host a Portrait Event
Want to host a My Lovey & Me portrait event at your business or company? Just reach out - Andrew would love to hear from you!
Where We’ve Hosted Events